EARLY BIRDS® ES Islas Baleares Santa Eulalia

Join EARLY BIRDS® Ibiza Punt Groc

Create a free padel2day account at padel2day.org. In the last step, select location "Ibiza Punt Groc".
Now open your email and click on the activation link in the mail from padel2day to activate your account.
Download the Padel2day mobile app for iPhone or Android and login with your email address and password. Don't forget to turn on push notifications so we can keep you informed when you play or when an event is cancelled.

In the mobile app you can see all the events you can participate in. When you open an event and click on the 'Sign up' button for the first time, you will receive a message that you do not have any credits yet. Click on the button to purchase credits from this organizer. After you have credits, you can register.

Ibiza Punt Groc

6 courts outside

Hidden in the back of a barrio 6 outside courts

Barrio Can Frígoles, 07840 Santa Eulalia

Read more about EARLY BIRDS @ Ibiza Punt Groc on the website of Ibiza Padel Academy.

About Ibiza Padel Academy

Ibiza Padel Academy is an Organization which is active on a daily base in Ibiza. With our private and group lessons, clinics, tournaments and competitions, we serve almost the entire padel market on the island

Ibiza Padel Academy offers EARLY BIRDS® events at the following locations: