Create a free padel2day account at We will then send an activation link by email. Open your email and click on the activation link.
Download the
Padel2day mobile app for iPhone or Android
and login with your email address and password and select location "PadelClub BUSSUM".
In the mobile app you can see all the events you can participate in. When you open an event and click on the 'Sign up' button for the first time, you will receive a message that you do not have any credits yet. Click on the button to purchase credits from this organizer. After you have credits, you can register.
PadelClub BUSSUM
5 courts outside
Struikheiweg, 1406TK Bussum
About PadelClub Bussum
PadelClub Bussum is gelegen op terreinen van S&W Premium HealthClub.Wij dagen u uit! Life is your main event! Om daar met volle teugen van te genieten is het belangrijk om uw lichaam en geest te trainen en te verzorgen. Bij S&W Premium HealtClub - PadelClub Bussum begeleiden u daarbij. Naast de kwaliteit in bewegen die wij bieden, zorgen wij middels ons totaal concept ervoor, om samen met u bewuste keuzes te maken. Wij stellen ons ten doel u te inspireren en te motiveren.